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Say goodbye to spending hours searching for tender opportunities all over the place. Tendertube is a smart way to find all of your government and NGO tenders in Zimbabwe.
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Tendertube makes your work life easier than ever. No need to learn anything! Its is a super simple way to discover business opportunities for small business owners.
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Never worry about missing tender
Stay on top of government and NGO tenders from one place.
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behind again
Keep track of every tender notice with just a few clicks.
Stay up to date with your competition
Discover who is getting most of the tender awards in your industry.
NGO Tenders Available
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Standard Clients
$ 10 USD
350 ZIG]
$ 100 USD
3500 ZIG]
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What people are saying
“I can't begin to tell you how much time this saves me. I used to spend hours every day looking for tenders, now Tendertube does it for me. I have more time to focus on business development activities that will help my business grow”.
Angelina Mhlanga
Managing Director, Mercies Electronics
"Very user friendly. I have been using Tendertube for the past year and it is one of the best tools so far on the market when it comes to searching for tenders. I have compared it against others and they don't even come close. "
Hudleen Mutsvangwa
Business Development Assistant, Securico Security Services
“I am very happy with Tendertube. Their service is something to be applauded for. Anything that you need clarity on, you get speedy and exceptional customer care. And their platform is very easy to use. If you are looking for tenders, definitely Tendertube is the one to look out for.”
Melusi Sayi
Olwethu Investments
Popular Sectors
Information Technology
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Automobiles and Auto Parts
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Energy,Power and Electrical
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Infrastructure and Construction
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Advertising and Marketing
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Food and Beverages
46 Active Tenders
34 Active Tenders
Construction Materials
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Industrial Automation and Control
30 Active Tenders
30 Active Tenders
Healthcare Medicine
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Building Hardware and Tools
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25 Active Tenders
24 Active Tenders
Machinery and Equipment
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Travel Tourism
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19 Active Tenders
Fire and Safety
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Water and Sanitation
18 Active Tenders
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